RDT Blog | Refrigeration Design Technologies

RDT Wrapped - A look At Our Top Commercial Refrigeration Blogs of 2021

Written by RDT | Dec 27, 2021 12:45:00 PM

It's certainly been a wild ride, and we still have a few days to go. The year 2021 will go down as one that saw many challenges, as well as so many solutions. Here at RDT, that's the way we look at things, by focusing on the solutions.

We tried to help educate our customers and our partners on the current trends in foodservice and commercial refrigeration specifically, and what we found were three important areas of focus that gained the most attention -- freezer burn, food waste, and energy consumption.

So without further ado, here are the top five most viewed RDT blogs of 2021:


What is the Ideal Temperature for Commercial Freezers?

Steady, consistent temperatures set to the exact degree can make the difference between fresh food and food gone bad. Get all the basic considerations on ideal temperature settings in 2021's top-performing blog post.


3 Reasons Why We Waste Food

Statistics show we waste as much as 40 percent of our food supply. In this popular RDT blog, find out the three biggest reasons why.


The Impacts of Icing in Your Commercial Freezer (and How to Stop It)

Everyone wants to know how to prevent icing and freezer burn in your commercial walk-in freezer. There are a whole lot of reasons why you want to prevent it, so let's walk through them and learn why.


The 5 Most Harmful Effects of Freezer Burn in Restaurants

What does freezer burn do to your food, and what are the true negative impacts of allowing it to happen? Find out how freezer burn harms both your food and your business.


Restaurant Energy Consumption Statistics and the High Cost of Energy

Restaurants consume as much as three times the amount of energy as other types of commercial businesses. Find out all the statistics behind foodservice energy consumption in the final top-five blog of 2021.


Introducing Polarcraft - Value Refrigeration Backed By Engineering

When you're considering value refrigeration options, don't sacrifice quality. Polarcraft Refrigeration Products was formed to solve that challenge. With a complete line of medium and low temp AWEF-compliant systems available, and unmatched engineering behind the products, Polarcraft could be a perfect fit for your foodservice operation.


Learn more about these trends and more by scheduling time with a member of the RDT Chill Team, the industry's leading experts in commercial refrigeration.