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What is Heat Reclaim and How Can It Save You Money

Posted by RDT on Mar 5, 2019 2:37:13 PM

What is Heat Reclaim

When it comes to finding energy savings in a foodservice operation, a number of opportunities present themselves. From lighting and ventilation to HVAC and food preparation, restaurant utility costs can be a source of frustration for operators, while at the same time, a source of savings.

A refrigeration system that uses heat reclaim is one way for operators to cut costs using the heat they already have.

What is Heat Reclaim?

Heat reclamation is the process of capturing excess heat and reusing that heat to serve another purpose. For example, a refrigeration system is designed to remove heat from a walk-in cooler. That heat vapor or gas can either be disposed of outdoors or it can be harnessed as reusable energy back into the operation.

The Benefits of Heat Reclaim

Foodservice operations, who are challenged with rising utility costs, are prime examples of where heat reclamation can be extremely beneficial. After all, this reclaimed heat is free energy! Whether it’s a school, restaurant, or corporate dining facility, utilizing heat reclaim can cut down on facility operating expenses, increase refrigeration energy efficiency, and reduce the dependence on non-renewable resources. All told, if used properly, the value of recovered heat can outweigh electricity or installation costs.

How Can Heat Reclaim be Used?

Heat reclaim can be utilized a number of ways. Under-the-floor heating can be a costly proposition, but not when that heat source is already being generated through refrigeration. For many foodservice operations, the need for hot water is not only constant, but a requirement. Reclaimed heat can preheat water before it’s even needed, even for large operations with heavy water needs, all without the added heating costs.

How Eco-Cool Saves Operators Money with Heat Reclaim

Of course, in order to take advantage of heat reclamation, operators need a refrigeration system capable of capturing and reusing that heat. The Eco-Cool from RDT removes heat from a walk-in, sends it through a heat exchanger, and re-purposes the heat a number of ways. Heated refrigerant from the compressor can be used underneath the freezer floors to keep them warm, preheat dishwater, or in some cases, completely heat a hot water tank.

Take for instance, Green Sage Café. Using Eco-Cool’s ability to capture wasted heat and divert it into a heat exchanger, the restaurant was able to supply enough heating for all of the hot water requirements through heat reclamation.

With Eco-Cool operators can save on heating costs by simply using reclaimed heat.

Heat reclaim is just one of the many reasons Eco-Cool is cutting costs for operators by nearly 50%. How much energy could you be saving? See if you qualify for a free energy study from RDT and even have an Eco-Cool system designed just for your operation! Click below to learn more.

rdt free energy study


Topics: refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, Eco-Cool, heat reclaim

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