1 min read

Cost-Saving Refrigeration Solutions for New and Existing Schools

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Planning for the school year can be a stressful time for school administrators. From textbook orders to school nutrition upgrades, it’s important to invest in long-term solutions that benefit both students and staff alike. For administrators opening a new school or building, it can seem even more daunting to fulfill all the equipment needs, from the classroom to the cafeteria.

Whatever side they fall on, both new schools and existing ones need to do their homework on efficient refrigeration solutions designed to save on costs, while providing the most return on investment.

[See 3 Reasons Why Your School Must Be More Energy Efficient]

Refrigeration Solutions for New Schools

New schools are fortunate to have the opportunity to decide on energy-saving equipment before it’s installed. Many new elementary, junior high and high school buildings are constructed with green building initiatives in mind to increase energy-efficiency while at the same time, lower operating costs. The new school’s refrigeration system should be no different.

That’s why new schools should consider the Model ZS from RDT, paired with Eco-Smart controls, as their refrigeration solution. Because schools vary in size, the Model ZS is the ideal small rack system with a robust design. With one housing, and single point electrical panel, the Model ZS is designed for easier service and more dependability.

Combined with Eco-Smart, a school cafeteria’s combination walk-in cooler and freezer can be equipped with an on-demand defrost system, which reduces food spoilage, eliminates icing, increases energy efficiency and provides smart monitoring and alerts to be sent to operators via email or text.

[Watch the animated Eco-Smart video to learn more about the benefits of on-demand defrost]

Refrigeration Solutions for Existing Schools

Existing properties are not commonly in a position to swap out the entire refrigeration system for their K-12 school nutrition program. But that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the energy savings that new schools are taking advantage of with new equipment.

The Eco-Smart Retrofit Kit for schools allows operators to add important features to their existing refrigeration systems, including on-demand defrost and remote monitoring, without redoing their entire walk-in configuration. When added to an existing system, Eco-Smart’s Retrofit Kit will provide ROI within the first year of use.

Looking to upgrade your school’s current refrigeration system but not sure what solution is best suited for your operation?

Schedule time for a free one-on-one webinar with an RDT expert and get your questions answered by the experts who have done their homework on the subject.

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