2 min read

The Future of Refrigeration Systems Relies on Innovation

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In the past, some refrigeration systems were not environmentally friendly. Through years of innovations and efforts, this is changing. Now, commercial refrigeration can be more sustainable and better for the environment.

One driving force behind sustainable refrigeration is energy standards, but the standards imposed on commercial refrigeration manufacturers change often. It's important for foodservice operators, designers, and manufacturers alike to stay up to date and to meet the latest standards, as there are often associated benefits.

Thankfully, leading companies like RDT continue to develop more sustainable technology so commercial refrigeration can meet or even exceed these standards. Let's see why.

Energy Standards Aren't Evergreen

Energy standards are set by various government and industry organizations. Internal initiatives and external pressure frequently result in changes to those energy standards. This makes things difficult for both manufacturers and users of commercial refrigeration systems. It's a good idea for operations that use commercial refrigeration systems to get systems that exceed the current standards rather than barely meeting standards. This is because energy standards for the refrigeration industry tend to get more strict when they change. The leading refrigeration system manufacturers keep this in mind when designing new systems.

Commercial refrigeration users must stay informed about changes to energy standards, so they know when to replace an old refrigeration system and when those changes become financially beneficial. Multiple federal organizations have developed these standards, including the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Foodservice companies located in California will also have to keep abreast of the standards set by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  

The Future of Innovation

The only way commercial refrigeration manufacturers can stay ahead of tightening environmental regulations is through innovation. This is one of the reasons that there are so many innovations, from robotics to cloud control systems, happening in the commercial refrigeration space. Of course, stiff competition and a desire to provide a better product for customers continue to drive innovation in this industry.

Commercial refrigeration systems are becoming more energy efficient, sustainable, quieter, and smaller. A number of developments are driving these trends, such as variable capacity compressors and the usage of natural refrigerants. Electronic monitoring through the cloud also helps commercial refrigerators run more efficiently.

How Eco-Cool Can Help

Foodservice organizations that need to meet strict environmental standards should consider the Eco-Cool series of commercial refrigeration systems. This system was designed with environmental responsibility in mind. The headlining feature is the digital scroll compressor system, which enables the Eco-Cool to use one digital scroll compressor instead of multiple conventional compressors. This allows for a eco-friendly system that also reduces operating costs. The Eco-Cool uses less refrigerant and less energy, which could save large operations thousands per year. Watch the video below to learn more.

rdt eco-cool video