2 min read

Join RDT As We Jump In To Virtual Learning

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We all know that the climate is very different today, compared to how it was in January and February of 2020. In March, COVID-19 put a halt to how most American's (and most of the world, for that matter) lived their daily lives. Travel was grounded. Schools switched from in-person learning to an online platform literally overnight. At RDT, our FSCI seminars for the foreseeable future have been postponed, and many trade shows cancelled. Restaurants have had to adapt their business models, and, in turn, we have had to switch to a virtual learning mindset. 

Is virtual learning or training right for me or my company?

Statistics and recent studies show that web-platform training and learning techniques are equal-to or better than the in-person version of the same lecture. In this particular case, medical students were tested to see whether online lectures could perform at the same level of effectiveness as in-person. The results showed that the students written examination scores were exactly equal, and had no distinguishing difference between the group of students that received online learning, and the test group that attended in-person. The student survey at the end also showed that those who were part of the online module appreciated the learning platform, and viewed the material more than once at their own leisure, to ultimately grasp the information better. 

Also, according to this data, some more notable statistics involving virtual learning compared to traditional in-person learning includes:

  • e-learning typically takes 40-60% less employee time
  • participants can learn 5x more material in the same amount of time
  • 42% of companies say that e-learning increases their revenue
  • since the year 2000, the virtual learning industry has grown 900%

What Are Some Benefits of Having RDT Run an Online Training?

Like everything else, adding online learning into your day takes a decent amount of self-discipline. Just because you are at home and have traded in your favorite dress pants for a pair of sweat pants doesn't mean that you have to succumb to a stagnant lifestyle. Attending online and virtual learning training is a great way for you, or your staff, to make connections to industry professionals that you may not otherwise have access to. When was the last time you hosted a training and were able to fly in a top-level factory manager? You have the ability to connect with true professionals in the refrigeration industry, and offer that level of expertise to your own network, as well. With online webinar and training platforms like Zoom available, the days of flying in an expert and hosting an expensive inclusive training experience are in the past.

Our virtual learning training centers around what we know best: the ins and outs of refrigeration. We break it down simply, and use terminology that is understandable, with real-life situations and applications. They typically take 40-45 minutes, and all you have to do is sit back and soak in all the knowledge about refrigeration, as well as RDT's rich company history.

What Are Some Popular Topics You Have Covered?

We want to hold a virtual learning session with you, and find out what type of information would be best for your audience. Some popular ones we have held include the following:

  • Refrigeration 101: The Basics of Refrigeration
  • Refrigeration System Types
  • Standard vs. Sustainable Refrigeration
  • Taking the Leap In To the Future: How Retrofitting Your Evaporator Coils Can Upgrade Your System
  • Eco-Smart and Eco-Cool
  • Hand's Free System Monitoring
  • and many more!

rdt virtual learning topics

What Is The Next Step?

If you're interested in holding an online webinar or virtual training session, or even attending one, we would love to chat with you. Simply send an e-mail to dreasoner@rdtonline.com , and Doug will reach out about running a presentation for you and your network. We look forward to learning more about you, creating your perfect training, and making RDT refrigeration accessible and approachable to the masses during this time.


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