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2022 Wrapped: Popular Commercial Refrigeration Content

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Last year saw a lot of advances in foodservice, as well as many challenges. As we tie the final bow on 2022, here's the RDT content that was the most popular. You voted with your views and here are the results.

How Does It Work? The Refrigeration Cycle


In simple terms, a refrigeration cycle's mission is heat absorption and heat rejection. As we often tell our customers, you can't make cold. You can just remove heat. The refrigeration cycle is a means of routing heat away from the area you want to cool. This is accomplished by manipulating the pressure of the working refrigerant.



The Effect Of Cold Storage And Moisture On Food Storage

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The best way to reduce food waste is to prevent moisture and warm temperatures from entering the equation. For that to happen, innovative cold storage systems are a requirement. Being an industry leader in cold storage solutions, RDT has developed different options to address these challenges.



Important Considerations for a Walk-In Keg Cooler

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Whether a classic keg of suds or something more progressive like kegs of cold brew coffee or kombucha, kegged beverages can turn bad or create safety risks if not stored properly. Even though some operations will try to store kegs in a food cooler, it's ideal to create a separate walk-in for storing kegs.



CARB Regulations That Affect California Businesses

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Companies that require foodservice refrigeration were issued new environmental regulations from CARB effective January 1, 2022. Previous HFC refrigerants for commercial and industrial refrigeration are no longer permitted at new and fully remodeled facilities. For equipment requiring more than 50 pounds of refrigerant, the new regulation requires refrigerants below 150 GWP (global warming potential). Refrigerants must now also be non-fluorinated and free from ammonia and carbon dioxide. 



Do Your Refrigeration Specifications Need Updating?

Is it Time to Update Your Specifications

The world around us continues to launch new technologies that transform and enhance our day-to-day lives, and developments in refrigeration technologies are no different. Innovations have resulted in the implementation of advanced compressors and controls that improve performance. Allowing for real-time monitoring, improved energy efficiency, and safeguarding important products with system redundancy. These improvements have an impact on the system architecture and the correlated written specifications.


Looking to make changes to your commercial refrigeration in the new year? Schedule time with a member of our Chill Team.

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