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Rep Résumé - Eaton Marketing

Posted by RDT on Jun 26, 2020 10:27:12 AM


Eaton Marketing is one of our longest-tenured manufacturer's reps here at RDT. That says a lot about who they are and what they stand for. It also says a lot about why they've been a trusted partner for as long as they have.

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Topics: RDT team

The Cold Hard Facts About Food Waste

Posted by RDT on Jun 23, 2020 3:48:52 PM

$160 billion. That’s a lot of money. It’s also how much Americans waste in food every year. That’s roughly 30-40% of the food supply in the United States. You might want to think twice about what you throw out when cleaning the refrigerator.

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Topics: refrigeration, food waste, commercial refrigeration

Meet Our Administrative Assistant, Dee Dee Jackson

Posted by RDT on Jun 19, 2020 10:11:16 AM


We're back today sharing with you another small glimpse into our RDT staff family. Our Administrative Assistant Latricia, known as Dee Dee around these parts, has grown to be a staple in our operation. She began with RDT back in July of 2017 as a Wiring Technician in the shop. Her initiative was recognized, and she was promoted to work in the front office as our administrative assistant.

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Topics: commercial refrigeration, RDT team

Looking Ahead In To RDT's Future: The Story Behind Our New Brand

Posted by RDT on Jun 12, 2020 3:31:37 PM

At the turn of the new year and new decade, we knew that something exciting was coming up. As the entire world took a pause to quarantine, we were hard at work implementing a big change for all of us at RDT: a brand new logo.

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Topics: RDT team

The Benefits of Remote Monitoring with Eco-Smart

Posted by RDT on Jun 8, 2020 4:40:37 PM


In a world where foodservice hours are limited and operations are adjusting to meet new regulations, finding a way to reduce spending while still serving can be difficult. We understand that changes in the industry are inevitable and making them a little less stressful is important.

One of the many ways to follow these new guidelines, operate safely, and maintain the quality of your foodservice products is through remote monitoring. This allows you to use technology to your benefit and ensure your product doesn't go bad. It also allows you to troubleshoot and service equipment without having to replace it as often. Through systems like the Eco-Smart Conroller, refrigeration control is made easy. 

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Topics: refrigeration, energy efficiency

Join RDT As We Jump In To Virtual Learning

Posted by RDT on May 7, 2020 2:16:20 PM


We all know that the climate is very different today, compared to how it was in January and February of 2020. In March, COVID-19 put a halt to how most American's (and most of the world, for that matter) lived their daily lives. Travel was grounded. Schools switched from in-person learning to an online platform literally overnight. At RDT, our FSCI seminars for the foreseeable future have been postponed, and many trade shows cancelled. Restaurants have had to adapt their business models, and, in turn, we have had to switch to a virtual learning mindset. 

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Topics: refrigeration, energy efficiency

Meet One Of Our Project Managers, David Schubarth

Posted by RDT on Apr 30, 2020 3:20:16 PM

RDT is a family owned and operated business. When we hire our staff, we bring them in to our work-family, and we take that position very seriously. In an effort to keep that family on the forefront of our operations, we are proud to feature some key staff members on our blog. We want this to serve as an introduction to them, and also as a humble brag about all the amazing work and effort they bring to our staff team. 

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Topics: commercial refrigeration, RDT team

Restaurant Energy Consumption Statistics and the High Cost of Energy

Posted by RDT on Apr 10, 2020 12:33:00 PM


Energy costs are always a major concern in the restaurant industry. The ongoing, robust use of energy-intensive, commercial kitchen appliances is hard on the electric bill. In fact, restaurants consume three times more energy per square foot than other commercial enterprises according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Specialized equipment and extensive hours of operation, as well as high demand, cause excessive energy usage and sometimes even wasteful practices.

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Topics: refrigeration, energy efficiency

The Shelf Life of Vegetables

Posted by RDT on Mar 30, 2020 8:11:36 AM


For many Americans, eating healthy can be a daily struggle. With increasingly busy schedules and only so many hours in the day, finding the time to prepare and enjoy healthy food often seems impossible. Still, following a proper diet doesn't have to be complicated.

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Topics: refrigeration, energy efficiency

Smart Recoil: The Science and Dynamics Behind Ice Formation

Posted by RDT on Mar 25, 2020 12:27:12 PM


It's cool how ice is formed, but it's even cooler how to prevent it. Learning about smart recoil and the science and dynamics behind ice formation is informative and interesting, and knowing the reason "why" behind it, can absolutely equip you in preventing it in places where you may not think it's so "cool"- like your freezer.

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Topics: refrigeration, energy efficiency

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