It's the decade of technological advances and discovering ways to become more sustainable in business. When it comes to foodservice operations, there isn't a shortage of appliances and controls that are currently available to make your kitchen more profitable. With various opportunities to follow trends and maintain profitability, you'll find benefits around every corner. One major trend is smart kitchens, also known as connected kitchens, and how they help ease labor issues while ensuring quality service for those waiting consumers.
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food waste,
energy efficiency
RDT is proud to announce the hiring of our new vice president of engineering, Chris Boryca. Chris comes to us with an extensive foodservice background and personality of great integrity. We'd like to share some of his story with you here.
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commercial refrigeration,
RDT team
The beach sure can be beautiful and relaxing -- the gentle breeze through the palms, the rhythmic waves splashing against the sand, and the soothing smell of salt air. It's the salt air, though, that can also create havoc.
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We all want zero waste, especially in restaurants and other forms of foodservice operations. As a result, many restaurants, cafeterias, and food trucks are working towards sustainability to reduce waste and cost. There are several steps that can help control food waste and even improve the menus, and we're going to walk through a few of them now.
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food waste,
energy efficiency
In 2020, there is the reoccurring question of "How can we put a stop to climate change and become more sustainable within foodservice operations, convenience store services, and other business organizations?" Our daily operation strategies are changing to enable a healthier lifestyle, take better care of the planet, and reduce our economic impact, while also remaining profitable and successful.
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energy efficiency
Navigating the world of proper food refrigeration can sometimes be confusing. Here at RDT, we want to simplify it for you. We've previously detailed how you should properly store ice cream, and now we'd like to discuss ten foods that require consistent temperatures in refrigerators.
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food waste,
energy efficiency,
In the days before a refrigerator in every kitchen, a well-equipped kitchen had an icebox. An icebox was a large wooden box on legs that was divided into several compartments. One compartment held a huge block of solid ice that acted as the refrigerant to keep everything inside the icebox cool and fresh.
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The human heart is a magnificent piece of machinery. Believe it or not, it also makes for a great analogy when talking about certain aspects of commercial refrigeration systems. Fittingly, it's all about the valves.
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Who you are is comprised of what you do, how you do it, and why. Here at RDT, we make it our mission to deliver excellence through our industry-leading technology, which leads to products and solutions that can best impact our customers. The final step is world-class service to help implement our technologies and solutions.
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If you're in the foodservice industry, you know your utility bill is one of your largest expenses. And of those energy eaters, your walk-in freezer and refrigerator can be some of the largest draws of your electricity.
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food waste,
energy efficiency,